Do You Relate to Yourself as a Leader?

Jenn Shull | The Bold Thing
3 min readJun 18, 2020

Now, more than ever, is the time to focus on our leadership.

If you’ve been receiving newsletters from me for awhile, you’ve probably seen me write (more than once) that leadership is not a title; It’s a way of being.

First, we learn to practice how to be a leader. Then, we determine what actions most reflect our authentic style of leading.

Be, then do.

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to bring my Quarterly Boost Program to a local business, and the topic we found ourselves on was leadership.

I was reminded of something very important while I was there…

If you don’t relate to yourself as a leader, you will never be able to bring your full power.

Today’s million dollar question is: Do you relate to yourself as a leader?

If you don’t, that’s okay! Not all of us do at first.
Leadership is a practice; It’s a muscle to build. My suggestion would be to leave the rest of the questions I’m going to pose until you are ready, willing, and able to own that you are a LEADER!

The question I will leave you with is this: What do you need to relate to yourself as the leader I know you are?

I’m here if there’s anything I can do to support you with that. If I’m not the one, there are many others out there who can offer help when you’re ready to accept it. Heck, I’ve gone through 2 leadership trainings at this point in addition to all the coaches and mentors I’ve had/I have — this is how we grow! We need the reflection of others so we can see where we’re really at with stuff like this. And, we need leadership training! Just like we need to learn how to do things like Algebra, we need to learn how to lead.

If you do relate to yourself as a leader, I’d like to leave you with some questions to elevate you and activate new parts of your brain during these times. Maybe you answer them all. Maybe you choose your fave. Use them however it’ll move the needle forward most for you.

  • What kind of leader are you committed to being?
  • What do you need to be that leader right now?
  • What do you need to keep choosing your commitment every day?
  • What’s in it for you? For the world? Make it big. Make it juicy. Make it worthy of you.
  • How can you you bring your leadership further?
  • Who do you want to reach with it?
  • What do you want to transform?
  • What does humanity need?
  • Why are you the best one to bring it?
  • How can you hold space without taking other people’s stuff on?
  • What if now is why you are here?
  • What are you causing?
  • What are you avoiding?
  • Does your self care reflect that of a LEADER?
  • What if you were the leader of the country? Would your answers change?

When we relate to ourselves as leaders, we stop being followers.

I relate to you as a leader. Do you?

When I sit back and imagine a world where ALL humans acknowledge their leadership, I’m connected to possibility, and that’s what keeps me going.



Jenn Shull | The Bold Thing

Ontological Coach helping brave leaders realize and actualize their bold vision